Thursday, May 8, 2014

Standing Still

I am stuck.  I am stuck in my living room in my big red chair and I think I could curl up here forever.  A few weeks ago I drove to Austin for a meeting with the potential to change my life.  I was so nervous my hands were shaking, and when I stopped at a convenient store to put on lipstick, I had to breathe a lot because my hands wouldn’t stop shaking and I could barely put the color on my pale pale lips.  When I got back in my car, still trying to do the deep breaths thing to calm myself down, I felt God speak to me:

This is the path your feet ARE on.

You can walk.

You can stand still.

Or you can turn in circles.

This knowledge was crazy refreshing.  Here I was, and I was on this road.  And I had some choices.  I could walk.  I could stand still.  I could spin in circles.  But turning back was not an option.  I knew exactly what I was supposed to do in that moment.  I was supposed to walk.  I was supposed to walk the path my feet were on with the confidence of someone who knows their feet are on a path.  It was a great moment with Jesus.  It was all I needed and I was walking straight into a meeting that literally was faith shaping for me.  And I got in my car afterward and thought over and over about what Jesus had said.  You can walk, stand still or turn in circles.  Love that my feet are following a Jesus who likes walking.  Because in my mind, really, that was the only viable option for any and all situations.

Today is not a walking kind of day.

Today I am stuck.

Today I am stuck standing still.

That same week I drove to Austin for my walk-on-this-path meeting, we had been given the news that Hooks Baby #5 was on the way.  I think we were the most excited family ever (maybe not, but man we were at least loud about it).  The kids were excited.  Corey was excited.  This was the grand finale.  This was perfect.  This was the path my feet were on, and it was perfect because we were walking it.  Five kids.  The minivan would finally be full.  The house would get cozier.  There would be snuggles over the holidays with a little baby that couldn’t lift up its head yet.  We would have to juggle a few things.  But we have juggled before.  We talked about it like we had won the lottery.  Because we had.  Five kids. 

I woke up over this past weekend with our 15 month old in my bed with his head in my back, his feet in his daddy’s face.  I woke up and looked at my husband sound asleep after a weekend of coaching both his older son’s soccer teams, and sleepovers, and swimming and dinner with wonderful friends.  I woke up and thought inside my completely quiet house, “I am living a dream.”  I woke up and saw all I had all around me, and the baby coming who would be born into the craziest family, and who knows what 2015 could possibly look like because 2014 is not even halfway over and look at us…look at my life. 

And I didn’t even think this is too good to be true.

And I just was happy.

Totally circumstantially happy.

It was one of the best moments ever.

On Tuesday, just a regular old Tuesday, I wrapped up a conversation with a friend about how pregnant I would be while speaking at a gala in October and how pregnant I would be at my 20th reunion in September, and we laughed at me being old and pregnant.  And then it was over.  Just like that things completely changed and my path took a nosedive.  And she was picking up my kids from school, and I was calling my mom.  And calling Corey trying to get the words out.  And heading to the doctor.  And it was over.  There was no more heartbeat.  There was no more Hooks Baby #5.  There was no more grand finale. 

And I found myself heartbroken in an elevator.

Standing still on my path.

And I haven’t moved yet.

I’m just standing.

Wednesday morning I woke up early.  I sat on my big grey couch with the softest pink blanket and read Psalm 34:18 over and over.  Jude, my 9 year old, came downstairs before anyone else was awake and asked what I was doing.  I told him I was thinking about Baby #5 and reading the Bible and talking to Jesus.  He asked if I felt better and I told him not yet.  I told him I was standing in this one passage from the Bible, and that I would probably stand there all day.

“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted

And saves those who are crushed in spirit.”  (Psalm 34:18)

As Jude inched his way under the blanket he said, “The Lord is close to me and the Lord is close to you too mom because my heart is broken and so is yours.”  And the Lord was so close to me and my Jude as I sobbed under that blanket. 

So these words are an invitation.  Come join me as I stand still for awhile on my path.  Come join me as I stand in a place because my feet won’t move, and I can only guarantee you one thing, y’all, I can guarantee that the Lord is close…My path might be filled with lots of ugly, shoulder shaking sobs today, but God is near me.  Come stand by me and my Jesus.  Lend me a prayer.  I need one.  Lend me a shoulder because this standing still doesn’t come so easy to us walking folk.  And I don’t know how long I’m going to stand here missing what could have been….but for the rest of today and possibly tomorrow and the next day too you can find me on my same good path with Jesus and we’re just taking a breather today.  And you can come take a breather too.  There’s room on the big red chair.


Shalom Y’all.


  1. Jackie, I'm so sorry friend. Sometimes standing is all we can do. Sometimes standing is harder than anything because all you want to do is lay down...but like Moses who had Joshua and Caleb to help hild him up during the battle, you have your people who will hold you and yours up as well. I am praying for you...right now.

    1. I am so thankful. thankful for your encouragement and your words.

  2. Jackie, I am so so so sorry to hear. I went through the same thing not too long ago and it was by far the hardest thing I've been through. I am praying for you and your family.

    1. Thank you, Anna. Thank you for reading and praying and knowing.

  3. Praying for you and your family. I understand your pain all too well. May God wrap His warm arms around you and bring you HIS peace. love you!!!

    1. Terri...I need that Peace...His Peace today...thank you for your prayers.

  4. Stand still for as long as you need. A soul like yours is full of grace and love and will be walking soon enough. Lean on the Lord and your family. I have been in that place. Peace will come.

  5. I love you Melinda...I love how you make me feel like I should just have a cup of tea with you and Jesus and maybe I will be a little better.

  6. I'm so sorry sweet Jackie. I still wonder...but I am full of love from my 3 beautiful daughters. I am still busy, snd I still feel my crazy dsys and weeks and I still wonder. You will always love your baby and thank God for Jesus and your family that loves you like crazy. Hugs, prayers and hope for tomorrow to look a little brighter than today. One. Day. At .A. Time.

    1. Thank you my friend...thank you for knowing this loss is going to be a walk...a long walk maybe.

  7. Sweet, beautiful Jackie...Our thoughts and prayers are with you. You were such a blessing and inspiration to our lives while we were in Houston. When you prayed with us we felt your love and the love from Jesus. It helped the burden and heavy hearts we had. May God wrap his arms around you and comfort you.

    1. Kim...I love knowing you are praying for me. I am still praying for you too. Thanks for reading my friend.

  8. Thank you for reading. And thank you for the encouragement.

  9. Still thinking about you and still praying for you and your precious family and that you all still feel The Lord so close to you. XOXO

    1. Julie thank you. He has been so close. So near. So wrapping His arms around me.

  10. Sending you a huge hug over the miles. I love you and I know that you can stand still with Jesus until you two take your first step together. I love that Psalm. Such encouraging words from the One who loves us most.
